Ensiqn Jeanne Rowe Bride Of Lieut. Carleton Skinner
The marriage of Ensign Jeanne Rowe, U. S. N. R., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis Rowe of Lincoln, to Lieut. Carleton Skinner of the United States coast guard reserve, was solemnized on Saturday, May 1, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvison C. Holland in Dayton, Ohio.
Mrs. Holland was her sister’s only attendant. The bride was given in marriage by her father, and wore her white summer uniform.
Ensign Skinner is a graduate of the University of Nebraska where she took her post-graduate work. She is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, and Pi Lambda Theta, honorary. At present, as an officer in the WAVES she is in the navy department, division of public relations, Washington, D. C.
Lieut Skir.ner attended Wesleyan university, Middletown, Conn., and was graduated from the University of Southern California, at Los Angeles, where he is a member of Delta Upsilon fraternity. Before entering the service Lieut. Skinner was director of information for the United States maritime commission. He has been on sea duty in the north Atlantic and Arctic waters for the past year and a half. His present assignment is for public relations duty at the coast guard headquarters, Washington, D. C. He is a member of the National Press club and the Capital Yacht club, Washing-jl ton, D. C. He is the son of Mrs. Marian W. Skinner Beach, president of the Weylister secretarial junior college, Milford, Conn., and of Prof. Macy M. Skinner of the University of Washington, Seattle.
Lieut. Skinner and his bride left for a honeymoon trip late in the afternoon after which they will return to Washington, D. C, where they will reside at 2458 Twentieth street, N. W., Apt. 503.
Out of town guest s at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. George Rowe, parents of the bride, and Mrs. Marian Beach, mother of the bridegroom.