Miss Florence M. Bastob and Mr. Richard M. Pullins (Hubbard Photo)
The wedding took place in the home of the bridegroom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Pullins, 1454 W. Pershing Rd., and the reception for 150 guests was given by the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bastob, in their home at 700 W. McKinley Ave. After a wedding trip to Wiscon sin the couple will live at 2075 N. Main St. She formerly attended Mercy School of Nursing in Cham paign and now is with Gauger & Diehl, accountants, as secretary. He is with M. E. Smith, plumbing and heating. Wedding attendants were Mrs. Barbara O’Brien and Paul Shimanski.
— The Decatur Daily Review Sunday, September 11, 1960.