Memorial Resolution for Emeritus Professor George G. Town With the death of Professor Emeritus George G. Town of Long Beach, California, Jul 13, 1965, a long, active, and colorful academic career came to an end. It is particularly appropriate that those of us who served with him, and who try to carry on with many of the projects he began, pay honor to his energy and productive activities.
Dr. Town was raised in Waupun, where his father was warden of the state prison for many years. After being granted the B. S. degree in chemistry from the University of Wisconsin in 1918, he worked in the analytical laboratories of the E. I. du Pont de Nemours Company in Delaware for a time and then returned to the University at Madison for further training. He was granted the M. S. degree in 1920 and the Ph. D. degree in 1922. After about a year with a malting firm in Waukesha, Dr. Town accepted a position as instructor in chemistry with the Milwaukee Center of the University Extension Division. Promotions to assistant professor in 1924, to associate professor in 1927 and to professor in 1934 were accompanied by added responsibilites. The Milwaukee Center grew and other centers in the state developed, with chemistry classes in all centers under his supervision. In 1956, at the time of the merger of the Wisconsin State College, Milwaukee and the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Center, Dr. Town assumed part time duties, supervising the chemistry departments in the extension centers of the University. In 1958 he was awarded emeritus status, but continued active in his administrative duties until 1962, when he retired.
Dr. Town was well known fo his energetic efforts to achieve an maintain high standards in the teaching of chemistry in the extension centers of the University. He insisted that standards in the centers be at least equal to those on the Madison campus, and the many outstanding chemistry students who transferred to Madison after two years in the centers are testimony to his successful endeavors.
In addition to the efficient execution of his extensive administrative duties, Mr. Town was a progressive and interesting teacher. He enjoyed experimenting with new methods in teaching and in introducing new ideas and up-to-date theories into the courses he taugh. Above all, he sought excellence, not only in the performance of his sutdents, but alos in his presentation of subject matter to the students.
During many summers, Dr. Town enjoed traveling with family trhougt the western states. The Town family were pioneers in trailer travel, having logged many thousands of miles in the twenties and thirties before house trailers became as common as they are today. During his travels Dr. Town collected photographs and minerals from almost all points of interest in the West and he became an amateur authority on the geography and geology of the Rocky and Sierra Nevada moutain regions. Those of us who knew him will long remember his stories of how he coaxed the old Essex automobile, with a house trailer behind, over some of the moutain passes. We extend our sympathy to his wife, Yvonne Town, who now lives in Long Beach, California, to his daughter, Yvonne, and son, George Jr. We share their loss.
Memorial Committee
Ray Brumblay, Chairman
Victor Reinders
John Vozza
Eugene WIlda
The University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Faculty Document 330, October 14, 1965.
[S10] California Death Records (1940-1997), (website).
Mother maiden : Galloway