John L. Chrisman, a well known resident of Williamsport, died at 10:50 o’clock sunday night at his home in that place of a complication of disease after an illness of a week, aged 60 years. Mr. Chrisman had been confined to bed since July 16, and though every effort was made to stay the ravages of disease, he gradually grew worse. his death is a source of deep sorrow to his family and will be keenly felt in the community.
Justice Chrisman was born at Welsh Run, PA in 1851 and first lived in Williamsport district after removing to this county. Later he moved to Clearspring district and was engaged in farming. He removed to Williamsport some years ago and had been a magistrate for the district and police justice for the town for six years. He was a staunch Democrat and formerly was active in politics. Mr. Chrisman was a man of genial disposition and upright habits and held in high esteem by all who knew him.
He was a member of the Lutheran church and is survived by his widow, who was Miss Rowe before marriage, and the following children: Mrs. Edgar Trovinger and Mrs. Gilbert Ernst, both of Hagerstown; Bertha, Harry S., and Clyde, at home, and Adolphus near Williamsport; sister, Mrs. Susan I. Kershner, Funkstown, and brother George W. of Welsh Run.
Funeral Wednesday at 2 o’clock from the Lutheran church, services by Rev. Dr. D. Upton Bair, assisted by Rev. C.W. Hutsler; interment in Riverview Cemetery.
The pallbearers will be CJ Davis, WO Bowser, FT Goodard, JA Hawken, CA Hyde and WH Byrum.