Tree: tst
City/Town : Latitude: 48.990181, Longitude: 1.912178Tree: bmds
City/Town : Latitude: 48.990181, Longitude: 1.912178Matches 1 to 3 of 3
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Birth | Person ID | Tree | ||
1 | BELLANGER, Irene Sultana Suzanne | 2 Feb 1911 | Les Mureaux, Yvelines, France | I23412 | bmds |
2 | BELLANGER, Jacqueline | 5 Jun 1916 | Les Mureaux, Yvelines, France | I27224 | bmds |
3 | TARQUIN, René | 25 Jun 1906 | Les Mureaux, Yvelines, France | I26281 | bmds |
Matches 1 to 9 of 9
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Census | Person ID | Tree | ||
1 | BELLANGER, Irene Sultana Suzanne | 1921 | Les Mureaux, Yvelines, France | I23412 | bmds |
2 | BELLANGER, Irene Sultana Suzanne | 1931 | Les Mureaux, Yvelines, France | I23412 | bmds |
3 | BELLANGER, Jacqueline | 1921 | Les Mureaux, Yvelines, France | I27224 | bmds |
4 | BELLANGER, Jacqueline | 1931 | Les Mureaux, Yvelines, France | I27224 | bmds |
5 | BELLANGER, Jacques Alphonse | 1921 | Les Mureaux, Yvelines, France | I22188 | bmds |
6 | BRIDOUX, Augustine | 1911 | Les Mureaux, Yvelines, France | I23410 | bmds |
7 | BRIDOUX, Augustine | 1921 | Les Mureaux, Yvelines, France | I23410 | bmds |
8 | BRIDOUX, Augustine | 1931 | Les Mureaux, Yvelines, France | I23410 | bmds |
9 | MARANDI, Umbert | 1931 | Les Mureaux, Yvelines, France | I27225 | bmds |
Matches 1 to 1 of 1
Family | Marriage | Family ID | Tree | ||
1 | BELLANGER / BRIDOUX | 26 Aug 1911 | Les Mureaux, Yvelines, France | F8608 | bmds |