Sources |
- [S15] Internet.
Source: Massachusetts Births, 1841-1915.
- [S13] 1910 US Census.
Household (head: George A. Mellen)
- [S6] 1920 US Census.
Household (head: George A. Mellen)
- [S11] 1930 US Census.
Household (head: George A. Mellon)
- [S9] Social Security Death Index.
Marjorie Spiegel | SSN: 045-10-1469 | b: 14 jul 1909 | Issue year: bef. 1951 (Connecticut) | Last Residence: 33305, Fort Lauderdale, Broward, Florida | d: Apr 1982
- [S15] Internet.
Source: Florida Death Index, 1877-1998
Marjorie Mellen Spiegel | d: 9 Apr 1982 (Broward, Florida) | b: 14 Jun 1908
- [S2] Newspaper.
Russell Sage Graduate Married in New York Announcement has been received in Troy of the marriage of Miss Beatrice A. Mellen, daugther of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Mellen of Lawrence, Mass., to Joseph V. Callanan of New York. The ceremony took place last week in St. Stephen’s Methodist Church in New York with Rev. Dr. George N. Calloway officiating. The attendants were Mrs. Wallace A. Anderson, a sister of the bride, and Mr. Anderson. Only immediate relatives attended the wedding because of recent bereavements in both families The bride was graduated in the class of 1930 from Russell Sage College, where she was editor of the college newspaper, the Quill. She has been engaged in newspaper work since her graduation in Lawrence, Hartford, Worcester and in New York, where she was on the staff of the New York Journal. Her aunt, Miss Blanche Brackett, is a member of the faculty of Russel Sage College, from which Mrs. Anderson, the former miss Dorothea Mellen, was graduated in 1929. Mr. Callanan was formerly manager of a chain department store in Hartford and is now connected with a similar organization in New York, where the couple wille reside after a wedding trip through New York state and New England.
— The Troy Times, June 15, 1934.
- [S15] Internet.
Source: New York, New York Marriage Records, 1829-1940.
Groom : Joseph Vincent Callanan, b: abt 1906 (Austin, TX), father: Timothy J., mother: Mary B. Flynn
Bride: Marjorie B. Mellen, b: abt 1911 (Lawrence, MA), father: George, mother: Maude Brackett.