Otis Holland, seventy six years old, was found dead in his chair at his home, West Brown street, Friday afternoon about 3 o’clock by his daughter, Mrs. Small. The body was still warm when found, indicating that he had not been dead but a short time. Heart failure was assigned as the cause. Mr. Holland had not been in robust health for a long time, being a great sufferer from kidney trouble, but he was out about town on Thursday. Mr. Holland was a widower and since the death of his wife on May 29, 1911, he had lived alone.
Deceased was a native of Butler, O., where he was born in 1837. The family moved from Ohio and for a few years resided at Maple Valley. From there Mr. Holland came to this city to reside more than thirty years ago, and this had been his home since that time. Five children are left – Willard, Henry, Charles, Edward, Myrtle and Tiffin.
The funeral services were held from the Friends church Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. T. R. Woodard. There was a large assembly of relatives and friends in attendance. The remains were interred at Glencove cemetery."